dilluns, 3 de juny del 2019


On May 31 and June 1 the students of the music option gave birth to their musical entitled 'across the universe'.
This photo was taken on the 31st by Lourdes Roviras, an English teacher. It was a very powerful experience since I had never done a musical before. That was a very emotional moment where everyone, like a great family, joined us to give us good luck, just a great experience and I would repeat it again thanks to this musical we went to meet everyone with more funding and without doubt it went great.

Two years ago I went to Mexico for the first time, it was an unexpected trip because they told me a week before we left because my mother's company offered her 3 places on the plane because people failed, a trip that the company makes every two years and they do not usually take workers

I really wanted to go but honestly I was also very scared because it's 13 hours of flight.
For 1 week we visited the most touristic of the country
You discover a lot of culture in a short time and above all, put on sunscreen because it is sunny 24/7

I would repeat a thousand times because a trip to Mexico is not easy to repeat again for the amount of money and being in a 5 star hotel with everything paid is not easy to get

I have broken the screen of the mobil a few years ago because it was not good to jump into the capo of my father's car ... the mobile was flying ... it was total sinister and they did not change it again, I did not see anything, in the end I had to pay for myself the new screen of the mobil

I have never had to put points on my forehead and I prefer to know what it feels like to stretch the cord to pull the stitches, since it hurts I think ... so let's touch wood and do not lick to bad weather

PD: Lourdes will not put a picture because it makes me too stingy ... I'm sorry

Resultado de imagen de australia

I have never traveled to Australia but I would be very skeptical since, since I was a child, I wanted to go there for the weird animals in that country

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